Saturday, July 16, 2011

Classed chloropleth Map

This is an example of a classed chloropleth map which uses different classes to allow us to see difference in values around a region.  As we see above there are different categories to illustrate the numbers of suicides in white men per 100000 living people.  Different colors are used to signify each of the classes as well.

Unclassed Chloropleth Map

This is an example of the unclassed chloropleth map which uses a special frequency curve that varies intensity from the lowest to the highest values.  It uses different color schemes, colors and shades to illustrate this.  Above we see the red coloration representing the more Republican counties while the blues are the Democrats.

Bivariate Chloropleth Map

Above is the epitome of a Bivariate Chloropleth map which is used to analyze two different variables visually and it allows us to try and make a correlation between two factors.  We can look at two different data sets that would not present the information we may want if they were alone, but together we can clearly see this.  Above is an example that is mapping poverty levels and the population with less than high school education.

Univariate Chloropleth Map

This is an example of a Univariate Chloropleth Map which is used to analyze one variable.  It uses standard classification methods, but is not quite as detailed.  Above we can clearly see the distribution of different religions across the United states and we can see where they are more prominent as opposed to other regions.. 

Standardized Chloropleth Map

This is an example of a standardized chloropleth map is different from the unstandardized in that the information is aerially averaged such as with density.  It is efficient and good to use because the data is presented in a efficient manner.  The above illustration shows hazardous waste site installations after being averaged.

Unstandardized Chloropleth Map

This is an example of an unstandardized chloropleth map which illustrates the raw numbers when displayed, rather than being averaged out.  It shows an unstandardized chloroplate that is represented as a total value.  This above illustration  is a perfect example.

Nominal Area Chloropleth Map

This illustrates an example of the nominal area chloropleth map which is a type of chloropleth map used to display nominal data which are items that are typically categorical.  When we say categorical we mean that they belong to a specific definable category such as colors, ethnic groups, or religious groups.  Above is an example in California with the percent of black condo owners who live there being plotted.